Addyson and Klaire... (Klaire was a ladybug)
Addyson eating her cheese puffs that Nana and Pa got her for Halloween...
Addyson and Papa

Addyson and Pa...

Uncle Alex and Addyson...

Addyson and Pa...
Uncle Alex and Addyson...
I never new flowers could be adorable until I saw this one! Addy was a flower for Halloween and looks so cute in her costume. We went to Chick-fil-a to get some dinner tonight with mom and dad. They were giving out free kids meals to the children who were dressed up. Mom and Dad brought Addy a pumpkin filled with Gerber cheese puffs, sippy cups, and Teddy Grahams. We then went to Jimmy's mom and Dads. Addy got Teddy Grahams, Goldfish, and bananas. She got all the goodies a one year old could ask for on Halloween!