Saturday, March 31, 2012

Better Day...

Yesterday Addyson went to spend the night with her Nanny so mommy and daddy could begin to nurse Korbin back to health and mommy and daddy could get a little bit of sleep. This was only her 2nd time spending the night away from home without mommy and daddy and I will have to say I think she thoroughly enjoyed it. She was the center of attention for about 18 hours it was all about Addyson! Since Korbin has come along the one thing that has been super hard for her is sharing her mommy and daddy and grandparents. This was a much needed "sleepover" with Nanny.

Korbin seems to be feeling a bit better today. He has taken his treatments a whole lot better than I thought he was going to. He has ran a low grade fever all day today and still has quite a bit of congestion. Addy was dying to hold him while he took his treatment. I think Korbin loved her holding him.
He would giggle every time she would smile at him. I just adore the love that these two share. When you see the way they look at each other it just melts your heart. It is such a sweet love. While I sit here and write this my heart is just focused on how blessed we are. Even though our sweet baby is sick God has overall given us healthy children . In this week I came in contact with a family that has a 7 week old son that hasn't left the hospital since the day he was born. He had an enlarged heart at birth and was put on the transplant list. On Wednesday I became friends with this family on FB and they were still waiting on a heart for baby Andrew. Thursday afternoon the family announced on their FB page that Andrew was getting a heart !PLT! Thursday night we were were at Vandy ER with Korbin with his RSV ( that is where Andrew is also). While we were sitting there in the ER a few floors up the doctors were putting in Andrew's new heart. I just thought the whole time we were in there about how blessed we were to have such healthy children ! That could easily have been us wondering if our baby was going to receive a heart. God is so amazing to me and I can see him doing a great work in our life.
I know that sometimes I am feeling sorry for myself for the things that we go through but they are so small. The situations we go through are just to make us stronger and to teach us to look to Him instead of doing what we think is best.
* If you would like to read more about Andrew's story you read about it here

You can also watch a video here

We will go back to the doctor on Monday for them to check to see if his breathing is any better. Thank you all so much for all the prayers we really appreciate each one of them.

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